• Leadership Excellence In The Modern-Day World Beyond the MBA

  • Mastering the Inner Mind: The Keys to Creating Extraordinary Success 

  • Stratospheric Mastery: How Exceptional Leaders Reach the Top and Achieve Sustainable Success

  • Self-leadership; A Superpower for Thriving in Today’s Volatile World

  • The Opportunity of Change: How to Innovate and Lead

    in Turbulent Times 

  • Harnessing the Habits, Mindsets and Behaviors of Extraordinary Leadership


As a sought-after moderator, Georgie masterfully orchestrates dynamic and invigorating discussions. 

Known for her thoughtful and insightful approach, Georgie offers a unique perspective to every conversation, cultivating rich, meaningful dialogue and drawing out the most compelling insights from all participants. 

Georgie is committed to facilitating conversations that drive action and leave a lasting impression.